Two persons, an adult guy with his father, shared the pretty and quiet morning sitting in the garden.
The adult guy read the newspaper while the fathers observed his child and say:
-What are you doing? – With a smile in the face and the son answer.
- Can’t you see, dad? I’m reading.
The old man sad about his child’s attitude, stopped to seeing him and looked out.
Suddenly, behind a tree a squirrel appears. The old man interrupted his son, again, and said:
- What is that?...
The adult guy stopped reading and looked the animal and said:
- It is a squirrel, Dad…
The adult continued reading, while the squirrel went up the tree and remained on a branch. The old man saw the squirrel and interrupted his son, again, and said:
- What is that? - pointing at the branch.
The adult stopped reading and looked the branch.
- Dad, it is a squirrel.
Angry, the adult continued reading the newspaper. The squirrel changes its position again and went down the tree; the old man saw it and said:
- What is that?
The adult cannot believe it and said:
- What is your problem dad? I said it is a squirrel.
The old man got up and enters the house. A few minutes later, he came back with his own diary and gives it diary to his son and said:
- Read
And the Adult read:
February 6, 1991: Today me and my son walked in the park, he saw a squirrel and asked me one hundred times; what it was? I patiently, answered one hundred times until he understood.
The adult guy stopped reading and hugged his dad.
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